Delegating: a crucial element in boosting your success

Your time is more valuable than the money you have. Do you know why? Business owners in particular often want to do everything themselves: after all, are they not the people who know their business best?


However, they may not really be saving on overheads. In fact, by not delegating, they could even be losing considerably more than they are saving.

Don’t do everything yourself

There are many activities which are perhaps not really so productive that you have to do them yourself. For example:

  • answering the phone
  • replying to e-mails
  • generating leads
  • doing all the marketing

All this can pile up and become a huge burden. If you don’t find someone else to take care of the less crucial tasks for you, you may not have any capacity left for the most important ones.

By delegating more, you can unleash an endless amount of time and put it to better use. Just think about a laptop: of course it costs money but what about all the thousands of hours you have spent working on it? You see, it is mostly time, and not money, that creates value.

Start delegating more

There will be several immediate benefits:

  1. You will create a sense of responsibility in your team, making your staff more engaged.
  2. You will gain more capacity and remove some of the stress. This will obviously improve your quality of life.
  3. Your business or department will not be a one-person-show anymore. Things will become semi-automated, which means you will be able to scale up everything more easily when necessary.

Which tasks should you always delegate? According to the website, especially the following:

  • small tasks
  • dull tasks
  • time-consuming tasks
  • teachable tasks
  • tasks you are really bad at doing


Article source - open community for business professionals
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