Performance management (2/2): Without a goal, there is no process

The previous article differentiated two basic approaches to performance management. One relies on well-oiled and reliable business processes; the other puts the bulk of focus on the overarching desirable goal.


So when should you rely on processes and when should you first select a new, different goal in order to be able to maintain the processes your organisation is very good at?

Choosing the right approach

Any process is but a tool. That is why the goal comes first. You need to do research and arrive at accurate, data-based goals. Only then do you apply the processes which are in your toolkit. Processes are how you reach the goals you have set.

Basics of performance management

Today, decisions cannot be based on managerial intuitions and impressions. Implement performance management by taking the following steps, as advised by the website.

  • Increase the number of manager-led conversations (traditional annual reviews are a common source of frustration for both employees and managers, and they simply do not suffice).
  • Foster a team-oriented, data-driven performance management culture. Use tools that assess and display interdependencies in teams.
  • Put a feedback loop in place. Continuous feedback for both development and growth opportunities is necessary for your employees.
  • Be clear when assessing performance and skills development.
  • By providing access to feedback data you make performance management trustworthy and transparent.

Future of performance management

Take inspiration from some major corporations:

  • Google is now paying high performers several times more than what average employees receive.
  • Atlassian has automated many evaluation activities.
  • Microsoft and GE prefer continuous coaching and a feedback loop, not annual reviews.
  • Netflix is setting objectives which change rapidly and are fluid; there are no longer any annual goals.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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Performance management (1/2): Two basic approaches


Performance management (2/2): Without a goal, there is no process