Are you a nocturnal person? That can be changed

Even if you have been a nocturnal type for most of your life and you are most productive during the night hours, you can change this.


Why would you want to do that?

Many important social events naturally take place much earlier than at night. Therefore shifting to a routine which would make you more alert mentally also during the morning might be beneficial.

You might start by dropping your children off at school and spending some quality time with them on the way. Likewise an early morning walk in the sunshine can be a huge motivation to wake up early every day. You can also share responsibility with your partner regarding household chores, of which yours can be those to be done in the morning. This advice comes from the website.

Give getting up early a go

At the beginning do things gradually. Don’t suddenly start going to bed at 10 pm. It is more about the activities you do before getting into bed. Try them at least once and see how a change in your daily routine can help.

  • Don’t consume any alcohol or caffeine after 7 pm
  • Don’t watch TV or even look at the screen of your phone one hour before going to bed
  • Affirmation: consistently tell yourself you need to wake up at 6 am immediately before you fall asleep
  • You may enjoy scrolling through Facebook or LinkedIn while in bed but don’t so: it may be difficult to stop but at least try

If needs be, a short daytime nap is allowed

The first week of waking up early is tough. You might solve this by drinking more coffee or just taking a short 20-minute nap. If you work remotely, have a quick lie-down on the couch; otherwise, maybe you can find a quiet place in the building to grab forty winks. If you feel exhausted during the day, a quick kip will definitely boost your productivity.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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