Reasons to love home office (1/2)

Some people like to work from home and can't imagine anything better than a day spent in their pyjamas with a laptop. Others, on the other hand, miss a solid structure and meetings with colleagues in the office. They consider home office more of a punishment (though sometimes there is no choice). There are numerous tips on staying productive; here are a few reasons why you'll love working from home and in the end may not even want to return to the office.


Body care

Working from home will help you easily forget the basic needs of your body. You probably have an ergonomic chair or an adjustable desk in your office; however, if you do not regularly work from home, your workspace can also consist of a kitchen table and an ordinary chair.

You don't have to invest in your entire home office, but pay attention to how your body feels when you are working. One of the benefits of working from home is that you can change positions frequently, whether you are sitting on a chair, standing at a kitchen counter, perched on a sofa or kneeling on a mat at a coffee table. Testing different positions will help you find physical comfort faster.

Another thing to pay attention to is movement. When you work in the office, you have to travel during the day to get there. With home office, your movement is often limited to a few steps between rooms. However, the flexibility of working from home means that you can move around a great deal if you want to. Try setting a timer for yoga sessions or training, or go for a walk at the end of each day.

Save time

On average, how long do you spend commuting to work? Half an hour? An hour? That time adds up over a week and you will have these extra hours to the good. Schedule this time on your calendar and use it efficiently. It's free time, something there is never enough of.

Relaxation of the senses

Most workplaces offer a formal environment that does not suit everyone's taste. Ambient noise, unpleasant lighting or cold from the air conditioning do not contribute to a feeling of well-being at work.

Workspace has traditionally been designed based on the belief that in order to maximise productivity, distractions need to be minimised. The result is bland and sometimes dull spaces. However, research shows that people working in these "sterile" spaces are up to 15% less efficient than employees working in spaces enriched with art, plants and other stimuli. In addition, if workers have control over the location of their workplace, they are even up to 32% more productive!

When working from home, you benefit from the advantages of your own space tailored to your needs. You create your own sensory landscape that suits you and you are more productive.


One poorly designed aspect of many traditional offices is a lack of daylight in the workspace. For many workers, the only light during the day comes from dim overhead lamps. However, research shows that workers who are more exposed to daylight tend to sleep better (up to 46 minutes more per night); as a result, they are less stressed and more active during the day. Light regulates key hormones and neurotransmitters, affecting everything from alertness to stress levels and moods. At home you have more control over where you choose to work so, if possible, choose a place by the window.

The second part of this article will offer four more reasons plus tips that will make working from home enjoyable.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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Reasons to love home office (1/2)


Reasons to love home office (2/2)