Safety first: how to avoid workplace accidents?

Even a small accident at the workplace can have a serious impact on both the company and the life of the employee concerned. Statistically, the most common consequences of minor accidents and injuries at work are reduced productivity, decreased morale, and especially piles of paperwork related to compensation. So focus on prevention in order to avoid worries in future.


Prepare health and safety regulations

There is no need to advise large companies on this but for an employer just starting a small business, planning and preparing health and safety regulations is crucial in avoiding the above-mentioned situations, which could easily jeopardise the whole enterprise. The documentation aims to cover all safety measures and establish appropriate maintenance of devices and work equipment, etc. Familiarise yourself thoroughly with the health and safety legislation and regulations that apply to you. The rules in the Czech Republic appear in the Labour Code, Act No. 309/2006, etc.

Remember that even in the case of employees who work remotely, for example, on home office, you are still responsible as an employer for maintaining occupational safety. However, the employee has the right and obligation to participate in creating safe working conditions.

Train employees before filling a position

Many accidents at work occur due to negligence or inability on the part of employees. The most common examples are injuries that occur in connection with improper or careless handling of technical devices. In particular, junior workers, who often have no or minimal experience with specific technologies, are at risk.

When hiring newcomers, pay close attention to thorough training with the devices and equipment they will need for their work. Any injury, even with equipment that may seem easy to use, can cost you a lot of hassle and money. Educating employees may not only prevent accidents at work, but often extend the life of the equipment if used properly.

Protective equipment

The use of protective equipment, especially in production areas such as small workshops, is absolutely essential. As an employer, you are obliged to provide employees with necessary protective equipment in addition to comprehensive training. Explain what the consequences of working without these resources might be in order to prevent negligence and serious injury.

Setting rules for occupational safety and health is not the simplest discipline in business, but if you take a consistent approach in requiring proper control compliance with the rules, you will protect the health of employees and thus the health of the entire company.



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