Your values determine your success

Do you know your core values? By following your own actions, you will gain a clear idea of what is really a priority for you, and you can intentionally influence your success in life.


Actions are preceded by an idea, whether conscious or subconscious. Your thoughts are filtered according to your individual set of values ​​and beliefs to help you reach the decisions you make.

Values ​​are personal but they also have a cultural element to help you understand what is right and wrong, important or unimportant. Values ​​often bring people together and create social normative systems of culture.

It is important to know what values ​​you have so you can take intentional steps. Studies show values ​​act as a guide for behaviour and become a central element of one's identity. When a value becomes the focal point of your identity, it also becomes a strong indicator of your behaviour.

This means that if you want to become successful or satisfied - no matter what this specifically means to you, you must have the values ​​of your successful version and make these key parts of your identity. For example, if your successful version values ​​being organised but you live in clutter and chaos, you need to take the time to make organisation a priority.

Start by writing down all the values ​​you consider key to your successful or satisfied self and move on from there ...

Behaviour determines success

Your behaviour will show you where your identity and core values ​​stand today. If you are not sure which are important to you, look at your behaviour. If you value comfort over effort, you will see a lot of clutter or negligence in your life. If you value growth over comfort, you will constantly face challenges and engage in activities that will expand your thinking. Your behaviour will show what values ​​have become part of your identity.

Once you know what actions you take on a regular basis, you can identify the values ​​and beliefs that underpin that behaviour. By looking at this second list, you can compare it to the list you created for a future version of yourself.

What do the two lists have in common? What are the differences between them? By focusing on commonalities and differences, you will gain a clear idea of ​​what you need to work on to cultivate new or stronger values ​​that will become part of your identity.

Focus and support

Your values ​​are consistent indicators of what you are focusing on, allowing you to make more informed decisions that can lead to success. When faced with a decision or negotiation, a good way to highlight your own success is to ask: "Is this choice consistent with the success I want and the values ​​I hold, or not?" The answer to this will help make you stronger decisions, which in turn will help you achieve your goals.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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