Get rid of the fear of losing your job

Such concerns are understandable, but useless. Research shows that anxiety makes people look out for threats rather than opportunities. In addition to instilling in us a ubiquitous feeling of nervousness or fear, it also impairs our short-term memory and generally reduces the amount of information we can pay attention to and retain. So here are some tips to help alleviate your fears.


Rethink fear

Many of us naturally tend to fear uncertainty but it also has its positives. If you can change your thinking from fear to curiosity, you will be in a better position, become more constructive and find creative ways to gain a new perspective.

In order to acquire more curiosity, try depersonalising your experience. The current level of uncertainty is unprecedented for everyone, so focus on the macro-trends you see rather than your concerns. Your client or customer's problems have changed - so what are they now? What do these people currently require? Stay in touch with colleagues and ask what they can see. Take the time to explore growth opportunities.


In practice, trying to "hold your ground" for fear of losing your job is reflected, for example, in your doing tasks yourself that would normally be delegated to someone else. But this can cause major problems: think about dissatisfied clients, missed growth opportunities and team discomfort. Conversely, when people work together, they feel part of the community (or company) and are more likely to share new opportunities with you than keep them to themselves.

Data from the 2008 recession show that professional partners of service companies who worked together effectively by sharing work between the team saw a very small decline during the recession and recovered quickly.


If you experience anxiety, it may be assumed that your colleagues feel the same way. Words and phrases like "we can do it" really do help to strengthen self-confidence and optimism, which encourages constructive thinking. It's also extremely reassuring to know you are not alone and are building trust, which is essential for teams to work effectively, especially when people are not together in the same office.

Pandemics and teleworking are an opportunity to think differently about how a business works. With the right mindset, you can take advantage of it and gain a competitive advantage.



Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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