Leadership: seven signs of a good leader

Quality leadership, namely being able to lead others and use this ability effectively, can take many forms. Each manager has their own specific style, specific traits and specific approach. Nonetheless, there are seven universal characteristics shared by all those who are able effectively to lead, inspire and motivate their team members.


This list was published by LeadershipNow.com.


A good leader must be transparent with their subordinate employees, they must be honest and they cannot lie or embellish things too much. They must not try to fool or exploit their team, as employees are very sensitive to such behaviour from their superiors.

Adherence to principles

A good manager must adhere to certain principles. They must follow a certain moral codex and in this sense be predictable.


Without vision and the ability to convey this vision to others, a manager can never motivate and inspire their team. A good manager must be able to make their team feel enthusiastic about a specific, realistic and achievable idea.


Empathy is a cornerstone of communication skills. Without empathy and without emotional intelligence a good manager cannot survive.

Sense of justice

Regular employees are extremely sensitive to any signs of injustice or favouritism on the part of their superior. A good manager cannot just fake an impartial attitude: they must genuinely follow it in everyday interactions with their team.


Adaptability, a sense of vision and creativity: these are traits that enable a person quickly to adapt to changes and find new ways and opportunities, something which is crucial in leadership.

Time management

Last but not least, a good leader must be able to handle their time really well. Someone who is bad at their own time management can hardly plan the work of other people.



Article source Leadership Now - web focuses on various aspects of leadership
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