Mindfulness and work: how to go about it

Mindfulness is a psychological concept that might be defined as "perceptiveness" or "awareness". The term is often used nowadays in relation not only to work but also practically all other areas of human life. It means the ability to be fully present in the here and now, and consciously give 100% of your attention to what you are doing at the moment. This approach can enhance emotional experiences and also enable you to achieve better results in your work. "Flow" or "deep work" are similar concepts. Mindfulness can be practiced; this article will show how you can use and train mindfulness in your work.


These tips were published by the SmartBlogs.com website. 

Before starting a task, take a step back

Modern human beings tend to jump from one thing to another. They have no time to stop and gather their thoughts, calm down and pay proper attention only to what they are doing. Before every task, stop for a while to calm yourself, take a step back to look at the given item in its overall context and only then start performing the task.

Breathe properly

Correct breathing is essential for both physical and mental well-being. People tend to breathe shallowly in a stressed environment, which only further increases their stress levels. Breathe deeply down to your stomach, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, keeping the exhale phase twice as longer as the inhale phase.

Eliminate all distractions

Before starting work, eliminate everything in your surroundings that could distract you. Log off from social networks, turn off the sound on your phone, close the web browser on your laptop, shut the window.

Become absorbed in what you are doing

When working on a certain task, always give it your full attention. Try not to deal with anything else, and do not be distracted by what went before or what awaits you afterwards. This mental attitude requires practice but it will gradually become easier for you to reach this state.

Practice repeatedly

Mindfulness is all about practice. The process of making yourself present in the moment requires some experience and mental training, especially today when there are so many distractions around us that divert our attention. Mindfulness can be practiced very easily: every day, sit down for about 15 minutes, put an object in front of you and simply focus your eyes on it. Do not pay attention to anything else, just look at the details of the given item and for a quarter of an hour consciously try to pay full attention to this object. This way you will practice paying attention – and that will also prove handy in your work.



Article source SmartBlogs.com - network of professional blogs
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