Identifying the problem
According to Presentation Magazine, a good leader knows how to describe accurately a problem the team is facing. If, for example, you are presenting them with a new process or challenge, you must first of all thoroughly explain and describe the problem they have to deal with.
Describing the vision
The next step in convincing people is to define your goals and describe the vision you want to achieve. Paint a picture of the ideal state you wish to arrive at and enthuse the audience with this vision.
Showing knowledge and self-confidence
A good leader who is able to inspire others must give the impression of being sufficiently authoritative and confident. Show you have the necessary skills to solve problems. Emphasise your experience or ability to bring new points of view to the table. Emit confidence because if you do not believe in yourself, nobody else will either.
Giving examples
An inspiring manager provides plenty of examples in their speech. These help the audience relate to what is being said. Tell stories, give real-life examples and do not adhere only to abstract visions.
Listening and cooperation
Last but not least, communication between leader and listeners must be reciprocal. People will never be excited about what you are telling them unless you engage them in the conversation and regard them as equals in seeking the optimal solution to the challenge you are all facing.