How to implement a friendly and transparent company culture in practice

The persona of a manager and their attitude play a crucial role in an employee's satisfaction. Though the company as a whole might promote a positive company culture, ultimately it is always up to team managers how, through their behaviour,  they implement these positive ideas into the everyday life of their team members. Therefore, this article will show how a manager can implement such abstract terms as "friendly atmosphere", "equality" and "transparent company culture" into everyday work with employees.


Listen to your employees

According to, the basic way to having satisfied employees is willingness to listen to their ideas. Learn what employees think, do not be afraid of interaction and, when making strategic decisions, give proper consideration to the opinions of team members.

Reward employees in a transparent way

Rewards should motivate employees to give better results, not frustrate them. Be completely transparent regarding rewards and do not allow mutual envy, frustration or dissatisfaction to develop among employees.

Offer flexibility

A not so financially challenging benefit, but one which employees value greatly, is flexible working hours and remote working. If company rules allow it, set the parameters in your team in such a way that employees do not need to beg you in order to use these benefits and do not experience more stress than joy from them.

Involve team members in decision making

The decision making processes in your team should take place in the presence of team members, especially if the given decisions concern them directly. There is nothing more frustrating than decisions about you being made without your being able to influence them.

Praise good work

Last but not least, it must be said that employees want their work to be appreciated. Do not be a manager who usurps the work of team members; on the contrary, praise team members even in front of your own superiors, be fair and appreciate the work of truly relevant people.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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