Secret of top leaders: an ability to read and use body language

When meeting with someone or trying to influence them, you would certainly appreciate being able to read their mind. This sounds like sci-fi, but there really is a skill that comes close to mind-reading, namely the ability to read body language. On a nonverbal level, our body constantly emits signals that reveal much about our feelings, thoughts and reaction to what is being said. This is why the best leaders are experts in using and reading gestures and facial expressions. Here we look at the most important nonverbal signals you must pay attention to.



It is said that the eyes are a window to one's soul. People look longer and more intensely at things they find pleasant and are attracted by. Whenever you make someone an offer or present them with a vision and they stop blinking and their pupils dilate, you have most likely said something they find interesting. You can use this knowledge actively as well. If you want to build rapport, do not allow your eyes to wander when talking to the other person. On a subconscious level, they will see this as a sign you are interested in them. But do not overdo it: avoid staring intensely at other people!


As The Balance states, a smile, quick movement of the corners of one's mouth or separation of the lips signal happiness and interest. Tightened lips or corners drawn downwards suggest dissatisfaction, unease or concern. If this tightening is accompanied by a wrinkling of the nose, it is a gesture of resentment or anger.

Hands and arms

Generally speaking, open arms, neutrally positioned arms and an open stance signal openness and trust. If someone is sitting with arms folded, or they adopt this pose after being offered an idea or suggestion, it is a defensive mechanism suggesting displeasure, disagreement or a sense of danger.

Body position

As with the arms, the overall position of the other person in relation to your own body says a lot about the relationship between the two of you. If the other person has a tendency to withdraw from you, something is wrong. On the other hand, if their body is inclined towards you or being drawn close to you, they trust you and agree with what you are saying.



Article source The Balance - a US website focused on money and career
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