How to ensure your team reaches its full potential

Every manager wants to have a team of people they can trust, one that will achieve good results. Creating such a team requires shrewdness, the ability to detect people's characters, and maybe also a little luck. But some tips do exist on how to ensure your team will reach its full potential.


Attitude is everything

According to the Management Issues website, when choosing new team members, managers often look at education and previous experience. But the most important thing is attitude. Try to guess from minor details what kind of person the candidate is, what their attitude to work is like, and what impression they will make on clients.

Rewarding good work

Some managers focus too much on employees' mistakes and intervene only when there is a problem; if everything is okay, they do not address individual workers at all. But this is a mistake: rewarding good work, albeit verbally rather than financially, is at least as important as intervention when a problem occurs.

Sufficient authority

People give their best performance at work only if they feel they are trusted and have sufficient authority. If you do not trust your staff, restrict them excessively and do not allow them enough space, even the best salesperson will not be able to show their true skills.


Do not neglect sufficient staff training. Even a short meeting at the beginning of the week, when you repeat your priorities and share a few topical tips, can do wonders for team morale.

Common goals

Do not give targets only to individuals; set up goals for the whole team. Team spirit is a strong engine, and having partial responsibility for the whole team will motivate most people to give their best performance.



Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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