Six morning rituals that will boost your energy in the long run

It is surprising to what extent our morning activities define how well we will be able to function throughout the day. If getting out of bed is a problem and you already feel demotivated, tired and lacking energy, try the following six everyday morning rituals that will help you regain your lost motivation to face the new day.


Appropriate alarm

The jingle that wakes you should also be an inspiration for the day ahead. You should have an alarm sound guaranteed to hype you up.


Do not skip breakfast. Eat easily digestible, nutritious foods that quickly replenish the energy you have lost by fasting during the hours of sleep.

Early bird

Research suggests that early risers are generally more successful, happier and mentally healthier than people who like to sleep in. As stated by, you must of course adjust the time you go to bed accordingly.


With light, regular morning exercise you make it clear to your body that sleep is over, and thus speed up the activation of your mental and physical strengths.

Firm goal

The evening before, you should set a goal for the following day on which you will focus your activities. The vision of a mission accomplished will drive you forward. For instance: “Today I will prepare the strategy for my team for the next six months.”


Spend time each morning on your looks so that you leave for work feeling satisfied, self-confident and optimistic.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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