How to aim high; or, the attitude of the most successful people

Are you ambitious, do you have big plans and would you like to climb as high as possible in your career? Do you want to become a manager and a successful leader who is respected by others and whose words are highly valued? Do you aim high and want to reach your targets? This article will look at the attitude of those who are successful in the long run in their chosen field and how you too can reach your goals and successfully climb the career ladder.


Education as a never-ending process

The loss of motivation to work on one's career is usually accompanied by a lack of willingness to learn new things – either as a result or a cause. If you stop developing and do not keep pace with new trends and how they might be used in your work, your career advancement stops. People who progress in their career throughout their lives are always open to new possibilities, interested in current developments and news, and always willing to listen to other people's advice.

Long-term effort and hard work

You might be under the impression that some high-ranking employees around you found a shortcut to get where they are and got there pretty easily. But as the INSEAD Knowledge website states, the truth is that for any career advancement you need to be a hard worker.


Being enthusiastic about your work is the basic prerequisite of further development. If you are unhappy in your job or do not enjoy it, it is not the fault of your profession – it is your own fault. Even selling newspapers on the street can be done enthusiastically: you simply need to adjust the work so that you do enjoy it. It is all about attitude.

Vision and planning for the future

Work ethic and enthusiasm are often dependent on how an employee is able to plan for the future. If you live in the present, any minor obstacle or unpleasant activity can bring stress and aversion. If. however, you set reachable goals and stick to them, you will be able to overcome much more easily the everyday hardships that come with any kind of work. Set both small and big goals, determine when you will reach them and then do everything to stick to that schedule.



Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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