Transparency, communication and learning: three key ingredients of a successful team

A team whose members stagnate in terms of education and personal development will sooner or later feel this drawback. To keep your team motivated, educated and in touch with modern trends in the long run, you must set up a quality culture of personal development and education in your department. Here are five tips on how this should be done.


Key role of the manager

According to you must start from the top. Company culture is formed not by theories but the attitude of employees and above all managers. If you want a sustainable and effective workforce, you must support your subordinates in long-term personal development and also serve as a role model in this regard.

Learning from mistakes

An important part of education is learning from mistakes and failures in the past. Let team members spend time analysing their mistakes and let them set up a system so the same mistakes do not happen again.

Buddy system and mentoring

When a new employee is hired, allocate them a buddy, in other words an experienced colleague whom the employee may ask anything anytime. Also create a mentoring system for junior employees in which a senior worker will devote themselves long-term to the employee and work on their development.

Suitable training

Training of employees may be either extremely effective and motivating, or off-putting and pointless. Provide subordinates with training that is genuinely connected to their everyday tasks and has a direct influence on how they work.

Support for personal development

As a team and also as a company, you should support the personal development of individual employees and encourage them to become experts in certain specialised fields. You should not try to have all team members the same; on the contrary, encourage their differences and specialisations.



Article source Strategy+Business - a U.S. management magazine
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