How to take care of your mental health as a manager

Being a manager and an inspiring leader to your team requires emitting positive energy, motivating subordinates, passing on to them your vision of success and seeing opportunity even in failure. It is therefore no surprise that many managers sometimes feel under a lot of pressure. Even a seemingly invincible, alert and self-confident team leader needs to look after their mental health. Here are five tips on how to do this.


Make a list of things you are grateful for

The website Addicted2Success suggests that in the midst of stressful situations and daily operations, one might forget about the little things one should be grateful for. Write down a list of things you appreciate: think about, for example, your family, friends, a friendly client or the skills and good nature of your team.

Keep in regular touch with your friends

When dealing with a demanding workload while trying to balance your personal and work life, you might not find sufficient time to meet your friends. But they are often the people with whom you can talk about things you cannot discuss with team members and colleagues. And thanks to these informal exchanges, you might be able to keep a healthy distance from things you are dealing with on a daily basis.

Remember to relax

Life is not only about work. Even if you are trying to set a good example to your team members or help them as much as you can, you must also be able to schedule relaxation and rest. This does not mean you should sit on a sofa watching TV. Relaxation can be (and should be) active, for example in the form of sport.

Do not be afraid to show subordinates your human side

Trying to fake emotions you do not actually feel at the given moment might lead to significant mental discomfort. Do not be afraid to come across as genuinely human in front of your team. You could, for instance, admit to them you are stressed out, going through a rough period in your personal life, or just simply not in a good mood.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Good mental health requires a healthy body. Stick to a healthy lifestyle, maintain a regular sleep schedule, follow a healthy diet, drink enough water, and engage in a sufficient amount of physical activity.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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