Five tips on how to inspire team members with a common vision

One of the key tasks of a manager is to provide their team with a certain vision and make individual team members feel enthusiastic about it. Only when there is true camaraderie among its members will a team work really efficiently. Here are five tips on how to present a particular plan or vision and make the team feel enthusiasm for the idea.


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Include the team in planning

First of all, you must ensure all team members feel sufficiently involved in the whole project from the very beginning. It is therefore necessary you include team members even in the planning stage and when defining the common vision.

Explain the benefits for employees once they reach the goal

In order for employees truly to strive towards the common goal, they must know what actually reaching it will mean for them. Only then will they be sufficiently motivated. This need not be solely a matter of financial benefits; motivation may consist in work being made easier, having more time or gaining certain privileges within the company.

Prepare a plan and define specific steps

Abstract visions have the necessary effect only when they are turned into a specific plan with concrete and clearly defined steps that lead to the goal. Do not be too vague and define the intermediate steps by which you will reach your goal as a team.

Give your team the tools necessary to succeed

If you set out a goal and define the path that leads to it, it will still be good for nothing if your team lacks the necessary tools realistically to reach the finish line.

Check your progress continuously

In order not to lose sight of your vision and not to get lost on the way to your goal, you must continuously check your progress and see how you are doing as a team.



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