How to ensure employees do not lose long-term motivation

For any team to function efficiently, its members must be sufficiently motivated. Motivation of employees is definitely about more than just financial rewards. How should you motivate your subordinates? How do you ensure they maintain their motivation over time and work efficiently? Here are three things you should provide to employees so they do not gradually lose their motivation.


Financial remuneration aside, there are three other important things you must provide to employees so they maintain their motivation in the long run. This list was published by TED Ideas.

Room for one's own initiative

First of all, employees must have sufficient autonomy. If someone is micro-managed for a long time and they have no possibility to use their own creativity, the result is dissatisfaction, burnout and frustration. Motivation of employees can only be achieved if you empower them and provide them with a certain space for their own decision-making.

Expert knowledge and skills

In order for an employee to feel motivated, they must trust their own skills and be convinced they are an expert in a certain field and can be a genuine asset when it comes to solving problems they encounter in their job. Long-term motivation therefore requires a certain professional development, training and education, thanks to which the employee gains experience and acquires new knowledge and skills they are then able to use in their everyday work.

A job with meaning and good relations at the workplace

Last but not least, the employee needs to feel their work has some sense. Ideally, you as the manager should help employees find something about their job they enjoy and which has a deeper meaning for them. For employees to feel motivated, it is also necessary they have good relations at the workplace, both with their manager and colleagues. Psychological well-being, motivation and good relations at the workplace always all go hand in hand.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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