Three very common mistakes in setting up team goals

Every manager should know that setting up specific and clearly defined goals is key to the success of the team as a whole. Without goals and a specific plan of how to reach them, it is virtually impossible to exploit the team's full potential. But how should you set up your goals? And what are the most common mistakes managers make when setting targets for their team?


Too vague a definition of the goals

According to Addicted2Success, one of the most common problems is that the definition of the goals is too vague and indeterminate. In order to enable employees to focus on their targets, these need to be specific and measurable. It is also necessary each employee knows what role they play in the path towards these goals and what exactly is expected of them.

Unattainable goals

Another common mistake, especially in business teams, is setting overly ambitious goals. Managers often think the higher the goals they set, even if they are unreachable, the more successful the team will be, whether or not they actually achieve the target. But the reality is that if the goals are too ambitious and team members realise it is impossible to reach them, this only leads to frustration, demotivation and a drop in performance.

Absence of vision

In order to motivate employees to go for the goals, it is not enough just to set up the aims and define a monetary reward for reaching them. It is the manager's task to make employees enthusiastic about a common vision. The goals you set should be closely connected to a certain vision of the future that inspires your employees and also contains visions related to their personal development and improvement of working and financial conditions in the future.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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