Four tips on effective motivation of subordinates

Motivating team members is one of the key tasks of their manager. The ideal situation is when regular employees know their duties as well as rights, they know their manager trusts them, and they have sufficient room for their own initiative. Thus a team is at its most efficient. Here are four tips on how to motivate your employees effectively, plus a look at why it is important to give your employees enough space.


Even when trying to motivate team members, treat them as unique, individual human beings

All team members should share one vision and participate equally in the effort to reach the common goals of the whole team. But each person is motivated by different means. This is why you should motivate and inspire employees on an individual level, for instance at your regular assessment meetings with team members.

Support unique strengths in each of your subordinates

Employees each have their own individual strengths and talents. Not only should you use these strengths within the team as a whole, but also support individual talents in a systemic and long-term manner through training and motivation.

Listen to subordinates' opinions, and thus provide them with healthy self-confidence

Even the best hard skills will be of little use if employees lack sufficient self-confidence and willingness to push through their ideas and suggestions. It is typical that, within a team, some members are louder and more energetic, while others are quieter and have less powerful elbows. Unfortunately, confidence is not always distributed according to skills. You should therefore support your employees so they are not afraid to voice opinions they firmly believe in.

Forget micro-management

It is also equally important to give individual team members enough manoeuvring space for their own initiatives, ideas and decisions. You should therefore give employees sufficient power and avoid micro-managing their everyday work.



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