Five tips on being popular with subordinates (without compromising your authority)

Every manager would like their subordinates to be telling friends: "I have a great boss!" Satisfied employees who get along with their manager not only help create a healthy and friendly working environment, but are also more loyal to the company and often more productive too. Here are five tips on how to be popular with your subordinates without compromising your authority.


This article is based on an entry on Forbes.

Choose team members who fit the team

The first advice concerns the team itself. In order to have satisfied subordinates who get along with you and also with one another, your priority must be to choose new members who suit the team on a personal level. This does not mean all employees should be the same; on the contrary, in fact. But it does mean you have to consider whether a candidate will fit into the team and be compatible with others.

Delegate work in a clever way

A good manager who is popular among their employees knows how to delegate work well. You must not overwhelm one employee while not giving anything to another. Your employees must also know exactly what you expect of them and how they should fulfil their tasks.

Be fair

We all are susceptible to prejudice and subconscious biases. We tend to like people who are similar to ourselves. As a manager, you must eliminate such biases as much as possible and treat everyone equally.

Be part of the team

Do not be above your team, be part of it. If the team faces a challenge, you must pull your weight with the rest and do unpopular work when necessary if it is for the good of the whole team.

Support people's strengths

You will become popular with subordinates if you do not criticise them for things they do wrong, but instead motivate them in a positive way. Support people in their strengths, namely things they are good at and enjoy. You will be rewarded not only by the fact your subordinates will like you, but by also by their increased engagement.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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