Six habits of highly productive people

Do you want to increase your productivity? Do you want to serve as a role model to your subordinates and work in the most efficient way possible? Do you feel like you were able to do much more in the past than now, or are you overwhelmed with work duties? It may help if you take inspiration from the following six habits of highly productive and successful people.


This list was published on the Brian Tracy blog.

Habit no. 1: Planning ahead

Successful and productive people know exactly what they will be doing each day. Thus in the evening (or at the end of a working day) they plan the next day. And they stick to this plan.

Habit no. 2: Morning routine

The way you get up in the morning has a big impact on the amount of work you will be able to complete on any given day and how you will feel while doing it. Find a routine that suits you and stick to it.

Habit no. 3: Regular schedule

Productivity generally improves with a regular schedule. You should not be too strict here so as to avoid being derailed later if reality slightly differs from the plan. Still it is advisable to draw up a regular schedule, go to bed at the same time, and rise and eat at the same times too.

Habit no. 4: Physical exercise

Neglecting physical exercise will sooner or later be reflected in your health, mental state and productivity at work. Do not ignore exercise and do some at least for a while every day.

Habit no. 5: Stick to your values

Stick to clearly defined values in everything you do. You will thus get rid of much unnecessary decision-making, doubts and thinking. You will also be more focused on what you do and what you want to achieve.

Habit no. 6: Single-tasking

Do not try to do multiple things at once. Usually this is not possible anyway and, even if you do manage it, the results tend to be quite unsatisfactory all round. Learn deep work and, if possible, always focus only on one task at a time.



Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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