Four emotions that prevent career advancement and effective leadership

People management is outside the comfort zone of most of us. It is something most of us have to learn. You need to overcome the doubts and worries about your own competencies, which is common in most people, especially those who are new to their management role. Here are four negative emotions that restrict your growth, things you need to deal with or overcome so that you can become a successful manager.


Wanting to avoid unpleasant situations

People management brings about a lot of unpleasant situations. As states, many managers naturally tend to avoid unpleasant topics and situations, and linger in their comfort zone. But problems need to be solved - and as soon as possible. Overcome any tendency to remain in your comfort zone, and do not be afraid of unpleasant topics.

Impostor syndrome

This is a very common phenomenon among managers. A person suffering from impostor syndrome doubts themselves. They are worried they got where they are by chance or mistake, and sooner or later it will be revealed they actually haven't a clue what they are doing. One fact may calm you down: few people actually know what they are doing! Including experienced managers.

Little attention paid to one's own emotions

Ignoring one's emotions is also a dangerous approach. It actually signals a lack of emotional intelligence and self-reflection. Do not try to ignore your emotions (frustration, happiness, fear and so on), but rather deal with them.


Managers may often suffer from feelings of despair or frustration. This is understandable: they carry a lot of responsibility for things they can influence only to a limited degree or not at all. Do not despair over things you can do nothing about and, when solving problems, rely more on colleagues and subordinates, not solely on yourself.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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