Find out when someone is lying: signals to help you detect a lie

Is it even possible to recognise for sure that someone is lying? It will never be an exact science and no method will ever be 100% reliable. However, there are lessons and signals that can help you detect a liar with a high degree of certainty. Or at least to suspect and verify the person in question. Here are signals that can help you detect a lie.


High frequency of blinking

As reports, one of the easy-to-detect signals that someone is lying is an increased frequency of blinking. In short, the person in question suddenly starts blinking rapidly.

Eyes darting

Someone who is lying has a hard time maintaining eye contact. So they run their eyes over the other person and the room.

Fidgeting with hands or feet

Nervous hand or foot tapping usually indicates nervousness. And this often goes hand in hand with lying.

Rapid breathing

Someone telling a deliberate lie will usually also start breathing faster and shallower.

Inconsistency of non-verbal gestures and speech

A typical manifestation of trying to lie is a mismatch between what someone says, how they move and the gestures they use.

Facial flushing

A flow of blood to the face, turning it red, also indicates nervousness or an attempt to deceive the other person.

Nervous smile

Someone who is trying to lie will often smile nervously in order somehow to intimidate the other person. This fake smile can be recognised by the fact they smile only with their mouth and not with their eyes.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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