How should a team manager react to artificial intelligence?

There is no escape from artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as AI. Although it has been with us for decades, AI is now becoming widely understood and used by people and professionals who until recently knew nothing about it. There is no point in resisting AI, so the question is: how should you approach it as a team leader?


Get to know the tools of AI

According to, the first thing to do is to familiarise yourself with the possibilities AI actually offers. In addition to the notoriously popular ChatGPT, there are a number of tools in the fields of communication, graphics or programming that focus on a narrower area of work activity and might be a great asset to your team.

Find out how your team can harness the potential of AI

Do your research and ascertain what tools your team can use and what processes each AI tool could help your team with. AI is often able to help in particular with routine tasks and automation.

Set certain rules

In addition to being a great help, artificial intelligence naturally also brings with it certain risks. These relate to the protection of personal data and sensitive data, or the absence of the human factor in solving more creative problems. It is therefore essential your team establish certain rules and limits on how to use AI at work.

Introduce changes gradually

If you do decide to incorporate AI into your team's activities, make any changes slowly and gradually. Avoid completely flipping the way your team works from one day to the next.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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