Increase subordinates' resilience and improve their ability to deal with crises

It is very easy to lead a team when everything is going well, business is booming and there are no crises to deal with. However, the personality of a leader is tested when a crisis comes, and non-standard and stressful situations have to be handled. One of the most important preventive tasks of a manager is to prepare subordinates for crises in advance. Therefore, this article will describe how to increase the mental resilience of your team members and improve their ability to face crises.


Empower subordinates

As stated by, the first step is to give subordinates enough authority and leeway to cope with their own work independently. If you stifle their initiative and ambition with micromanagement, you will fail to equip them with the ability to solve crises and find new, novel solutions.

Allow subordinates to develop individually

Each person needs different training and different development to build resilience to stress and reinforce their strengths. Support subordinates' specific talents and enable them to learn and develop individually over the long term.

Talk openly about mental health

The ability to cope with stress is closely linked to emotional intelligence and the ability to think about feelings and talk openly about them. This is why you must serve as a role model to your subordinates by raising the topic of mental health often. Let them know it is okay to feel stressed or insecure and it is important actively to discuss and address such feelings.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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