Six tips on building higher self-esteem

Self-confidence plays a vital role in success in a managerial role. If you lack sufficiently healthy self-esteem, you will find it difficult to motivate and inspire your subordinates and help your team achieve the best possible results. Do you feel like you could use a boost in self-esteem? Here are six tips on how to do it.


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Tip no. 1: Learn something new

One way to boost your self-esteem is to learn a new skill. It might be something you thought you would never learn and have been putting off. Mastering this thing will also increase your self-confidence.

Tip no. 2: Learn to view even partial failures as opportunities

Everyone makes mistakes; without them, no one can move forward. Learn to regard your minor missteps not as fatalistic, but rather as opportunities from which you can learn.

Tip no. 3: Adjust your appearance and dress well

How you perceive yourself in the mirror and how you feel is largely reflected in how confident you appear to others. Take care of your appearance, dress well and comfortably, and never be in doubt about whether you look good.

Tip no. 4: Pay attention to body language

The non-verbal signals you send to those around you let people know how self-conscious or confident you are. But they also influence you inwardly. This means that if you send confident signals to those around you, you will feel more confident yourself. So avoid slouching and always adopt an open posture towards the person you are talking to.

Tip no. 5: Keep in regular contact with close friends

Regular contact with people who believe in you and with whom you come up with different, positive ideas will always boost your self-esteem. Do not neglect contact with family, friends and close acquaintances.

Tip no. 6: Make a list of your achievements

Do you feel like you have not achieved much? This is probably just your biased perspective. Write down a list of your biggest accomplishments over the past few years. You may very well see that you have actually accomplished quite a lot.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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