Time management: four most essential tips for managers

The ability to organise one's own time is one of the most basic skills of any manager. If you are disorganised yourself, you can hardly manage projects and other people effectively, which is why this article offers four of the most important time management tips.


Learn how to delegate work effectively

As an article on Director.co.uk states, delegating work is the be-all and end-all of time management for managers. You need to be able to delegate tasks to subordinates quickly and efficiently. Always set clear mutual expectations, and delegate work regularly and frequently so that you are not unnecessarily overwhelmed with work tasks. Avoid having to do all the work yourself.

Spend sufficient time on notes

In the daily hectic environment that your work can be, it is easy to feel like you are spending too much time (that you do not have) writing down tasks, ideas and notes from meetings. But the truth is that if you have no record of notes, ideas and plans, you can hardly organise your time effectively. This is why, although it may seem tedious, making thorough notes (whether in a notebook or in a computer system) will always pay off in the long run.

Take advantage of automation

The modern age offers many technical conveniences in the form of various software programs, planners and artificial intelligence tools. Many of these tools are editable or tailored to your industry. Take the time to find the best scheduling and automation system for your needs.

Make an audit of your activities

To be able to identify where you are wasting time, or on which tasks you spend too much energy, it is worth conducting an audit of your activities. For at least two weeks, keep a meticulous record of everything you do: all the activities, as well as the time you spend on them. After at least two weeks, analyse the data. There may be some surprising findings.


Article source Director Magazine - britský časopis pro vedoucí pracovníky především malých a středních podniků
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