Want to be a successful manager? Then lose these four common bad habits

Achieving success in managing people requires great communication skills, organisational skills and experience. It also requires long-term adherence to certain habits and avoidance of some bad habits. What are they? This article will describe them.


This text is based on an article on the Forbes magazine website.


If you spend too much time on unimportant details, you will hardly achieve success with your team. Plus, as a manager, you are setting an example to others. If you pedantically devote attention to every minor detail, you will partly pass on the same habit to your subordinates.

Inability (or unwillingness) to prioritise

There will always be more tasks and plans than time. With people management, this is doubly true. As a manager, if you cannot prioritise, you will soon be overwhelmed with work and not know what and what not to pay attention to.

Poor or completely absent planning

Organising work and effectively planning activities and goals: all of this is something a manager must be able to do almost perfectly. If you have a habit of neglecting planning, it may not have bothered you much in your life and career up to now. But in a team leader position, it is a serious problem.

Aversion to innovation and new technologies

Artificial intelligence as the scourge of humanity? Automation as an imperfect, futuristic affair that will never replace humans anyway? Advanced project management and productivity programs will never be better than a good old paper notebook? With views like these you certainly will not succeed as a manager in the long run, and you are needlessly killing the potential of both yourself and your team.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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