Five lessons from Jeff Bezos on effective team management

Jeff Bezos, currently the second richest man in the world and founder of Amazon, is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a legendary leader. What lessons can we learn from his work? Here are five of them, offering tips on how to manage a team effectively.


Encouraging innovation and learning

Jeff Bezos is known for encouraging new technologies and adopting them as soon as possible in his teams and companies. He also makes a point of keeping himself and his key employees educated and interested in new trends.

Long-term vision

As reported by Business Insider, Bezos' big advantage has always been having a clear vision from the start. He wanted to become the number one seller of books on a platform which, at the time, was still in its infancy: the Internet. He has always been able not only to devise his vision but also sell it successfully.

Customer orientation

Amazon and its founder have always put the customer first. Their decisions have consistently been made based on what is best for the customer. Therefore, customer orientation and a pro-customer approach is something we could all learn from Jeff Bezos.

High standards when hiring new team members

The Amazon founder requires high standards from candidates who want to be part of his team. He has always chosen his employees carefully, taking into account whether the candidates are a good fit for the existing team on a personal level.

Using data in decision-making

From the very beginning, Amazon has been using data in decision-making and planning. This is still true today. Bezos himself has always put a lot of stock in analytics, data and statistics because they form the most accurate picture of how things really are.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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