Five tips on being a manager the best and most promising employees want to work for

Bad managers only attract bad subordinates. That is because talented and promising workers cannot tolerate a bad manager and will very soon leave the team. Really good leaders, on the other hand, attract quality subordinates and are able to retain them in their team for a long time. How can you become such a manager? Here are five tips.


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Give subordinates enough space to work on their own

An ambitious worker will not tolerate being subjected to micromanagement. Therefore, you need to show that you trust your subordinates and are not afraid to allow them enough room for their own initiative and independent work.

Do not neglect training and development of subordinates

Talented and promising employees usually do not want to stagnate. They want to push themselves, they want to learn and they want to develop. So you must not underestimate these activities in your subordinates, but instead actively encourage them.

Respect individual requirements and needs of subordinates

Although you should treat everybody equally, you should to some extent also be able to respond to the individual requirements and needs of subordinates. Every team member is different: each has specific needs which should always be taken into account when planning development and training, as well as when managing the subordinate in question.

Choose subordinates who fit into the team on a personal level

A good team, in which employees feel comfortable and stay long term, consists of people who get along well together. This does not mean there should be no diversity in your team; quite the opposite. But it does mean that when choosing subordinates, you should also consider whether they will fit in with your existing team on a personal level.

Set an example to subordinates and be sure to have a good work-life balance

Work-life balance is key to long-term satisfaction. But no matter how much you promote this principle, it will do no good if you do not follow it yourself. Serve as a role model for others and show them in practice how to balance work and personal life effectively.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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