Respect, interest and realistic expectations: how to motivate subordinates in four steps

Do you want motivated and efficient subordinates? In that case, from a managerial position, you need to be able to engage, guide and motivate them well. How do you do this? Here is a four-step guide.


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Respect subordinates

Someone who feels like an anonymous cog in a big wheel that no one cares about or respects can never be motivated. Show everyone on your team that you value them and respect their work, opinions and ideas. If one of your subordinates makes a suggestion, don't just ignore it. Demand respect, but also show it. You will find that your subordinates will be more motivated.

Take an interest in the individual needs of team members

This second point is partly related to the first. A motivated person needs to feel they are being treated as an individual. So forget about a universal, one-size-fits-all approach towards subordinates; respect their specific needs and individual requirements.

Give your team a compelling vision

For team members to remain motivated, they need to know where they are heading as a team. One of the most important tasks of any manager is to present a compelling vision, a goal the whole team can work towards. This vision should be appealing not only to the management team, but most importantly to team members.

Set realistic expectations

The goals and expectations you and your subordinates set must be realistic. Don't have exaggerated ambitions, and communicate your plans and goals to team members in a clear and understandable way. This will prevent misunderstandings, unfulfilled expectations, frustration and, as a result, impaired motivation of subordinates.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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