The most common mistakes when promoting subordinates

Motivating subordinates and giving them some vision for the future: these are among the reasons why it is necessary from time to time to promote some subordinates. Promotion usually involves not only a salary increase and extension of powers, but also a kind of symbolic appreciation of the given subordinate's work. However, managers often make mistakes when promoting subordinates. What are they? This article will explain. 


Promotions based only on hard skills and technical knowledge

According to Business Insider, managers often look only at hard data, the exact results of workers, and their hard skills, namely technical knowledge or education. They do not consider so much subordinates' personalities and their ability to interact with the rest of the team. So pay attention to subordinates' personalities when promoting them, especially if their new position will involve leading others.

Ignoring subordinates who are less explicit about their ambitions

Many managers focus on those subordinates who voice their ambitions and are overtly eager to achieve promotion. They often tend to overlook promising subordinates who might be more deserving of promotion, but are less vocal and do not complain as much.

Lack of staff training and development

Every manager should strive to develop subordinates and be actively involved in their training and education. Lack of training manifests itself, among other things, by workers not moving forward and there being no reason to promote them. As a manager, you should train subordinates in soft and hard skills, as well as management and communication skills, thus preparing them for possible senior positions in the future.

Supervising specific subordinates

Favouritism towards certain subordinates at the expense of others is a vice to be avoided at all costs, as it frustrates employees, disrupts team spirit and dynamics, and places incompetent people in senior positions.

Ignoring the views of regular team members

Do you want to know who deserves to be promoted and who your subordinates want to work under or answer to? Ask them! Of course, the decision is ultimately yours and you should always act on your best judgement. But at the same time, you also need to consider the opinions of regular team members.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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