Quality sleep: the secret superpower of successful people

If someone asked you to name the most important habits and traits of successful people, "sleep" would probably not be high on most people's list. Yet quality sleep is the secret superpower that allows you to fulfil your potential and achieve maximum productivity. This article explains how you too can acquire this superpower.


Go to bed regularly

The first step to establishing a healthy sleep routine is to go to bed at a regular time. No matter whether it is a weekday or weekend, always go to bed at the same time if possible.

Rise regularly

Then, according to Forbes, it is also important to get up at a regular time. Of course, if circumstances ever force you to go to bed late, it is better to sleep in than get up early. But in general you should get up roughly at the same time at weekends and on days off as on weekdays, since that is the only way to build a solid, long-term, regular routine.

Get enough sleep

One of the basic parameters of good quality and healthy sleep is, of course, a sufficient amount of it. Sleep at least seven to nine hours a day, depending on your body's needs.

Do not use computers and mobile devices for at least an hour before going to bed

Blue light is known to stimulate the brain. But the problem is that the content of mobile devices itself, even with the use of filters, activates our minds too. So do not use these electronic devices for at least an hour before going to bed, and generally relax before going to sleep.

Eliminate sound and light

You can also achieve a good night's sleep by eliminating sound and light to help you get more rest. If necessary, you can also try using white noise.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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