Signs of a toxic atmosphere in your team

The main task of a team manager is to encourage subordinates to develop their strengths and skills, and create a friendly work environment in which everyone works well. But what if you have failed in this task and a toxic atmosphere has developed in your team? How can you actually tell? Here are a few unmistakable signs that will reliably reveal toxicity in your work environment.


Higher employee turnover

According to INSEAD Knowledge, team members frequently leaving could be a sign of a negative and toxic atmosphere,  High turnover rates suggest employees are unhappy and seeking opportunities elsewhere.

Decline in motivation and productivity

Toxic environments often cause a loss of appetite for work. The result of demotivation is then lower productivity, frequent absenteeism and workers only putting in the minimum effort necessary to complete tasks.

Increased levels of conflict

A frequent occurrence of conflicts and disagreements among team members, leading to negative personal attacks or passive aggression, is a clear indicator that the team atmosphere is tense.

Withholding information

In a team whose members feel uncomfortable, information is often withheld. People are reluctant to share ideas or knowledge, which significantly impairs cooperation and breaks down trust.

Symptoms of burnout

If team members are overworked and show signs of burnout over a long period of time, it may be the result of excessive demands or poor support from management. This condition fuels dissatisfaction and worsens the work climate.

Passivity and disinterest

If your subordinates stop showing initiative and do not want to participate in decision-making, this is a warning sign. When trust or motivation is lacking, people often disengage from their work and lose interest in the future of the team.




Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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