Staying motivated: seven tips for managers

Motivation is absolutely crucial for career success. If an employee lacks sufficient drive and does not work consistently and with motivation to achieve their goals, it is difficult for them to attain sustainable success. Unfortunately, motivation is fragile, and from time to time everyone loses it, whether in the short or long term. Managers are no exception to this, so are seven tips on maintaining motivation.


These tips were published on Brian Tracy’s blog.

Focus on priorities

First and foremost, it is essential to determine the most important priorities and focus on them. If you try to achieve countless different goals of varying importance, you increase the likelihood of not reaching any of them, and then you will gradually lose motivation.

Engage in activities that energise you

You know best which activities give you energy. Remember to devote time to what you enjoy (as long as it is a sustainable and healthy activity) and draw energy from your favourite professional and personal activities.

Reward yourself for achievements (even small ones)

Boost your motivation and confidence by recognising your own successes, even minor ones. If you yourself do not acknowledge your own achievements, no one else will do it for you.

Set realistic goals

One of the common reasons people lose motivation is setting overly ambitious goals. Your goals should be realistic so that you can actually achieve them and maintain your motivation over time.

Build deeper, more personal relationships with your team

As a manager, you should not perceive your role only as an organiser of work but also as an inspiring leader, mentor and supportive presence. Your subordinates can help you significantly to regain lost motivation if you build genuine relationships with them and get to know them as real individuals.

Invest in learning and personal development

A loss of motivation often stems from career stagnation, a lack of skill development, or a perceived lack of progress. Seek new experiences and opportunities for growth and education to increase the chances of finding something that will motivate and energise you.

Don't take work too seriously

The final piece of advice may sound paradoxical, but it is effective: don't take work too seriously. If you place an excessive and unhealthy level of importance on professional success and then fail in some of your plans, your motivation will inevitably suffer. Even if you do fall short of certain career goals, remember that it is not the end of the world.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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