How not to ask for a pay raise


Asking for a pay raise is stressful regardless of your role in the company. Not just ordinary workers, but also people in managerial positions can hurt themselves when they ask for more money in a wrong way., therefore, compiled a list of phrases your mouth should not express on this occasion.

"I know it's a bad time..."

If you know that the company is performing poorly, preferring to wait.

"You have not raised my pay for a long time..."

If you want to convince someone to invest in you, do not complain in the very first sentence. Focus on highlighting your qualities instead.

"I am doing the work of several other people..."

The same applies here - do not complain. Your boss knows that he had to reduce the number of people in his team. You will have a better chance when you show your skills.

"I have been working here for one year..."

If you did not clearly agreed on a pay raise after one year, the length of your employment means nothing.

"I am doing everything in my job description..."

Instead, try to do something extra.

"I need money due to personal problems..."

You surly know in advance that your personal problems are not a sufficient reason for the employer to give you a raise.

"My colleagues earn more..."

Do not compare yourself to others only because you heard how much they earn on the grapevine. Focus on yourself.

"When you don't raise my pay, I will leave..."

Ultimatums are usually not a good way to achieve something. Use this sentence only if you mean it really seriously.


Article source - technology leader in providing employee compensation data
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