How to handle pre-Christmas "slow time"


Two extremes can occur at work before the end of the year. The first is the accumulation of tasks that must be completed between the holidays and the end of the year, at the latest. The second, but equally stressful, is the opposite extreme of having almost nothing to do. Budgets have been spent and clients do not want to deal with anything important right now. We are trying to look busy in the office, but in reality we are nervous since there is nothing meaningful to focus on.

If you have already cleaned out your inbox, decluttered your desk, gone to all the Christmas parties, and seen all the funny videos on YouTube, try to use the slow time at the end of the year more purposefully. recommends the following steps.

1. Learn something new

Find some interesting training, a book, or website. Learn more about things that interest you. Online learning is more beneficial than playing cards on your PC or chatting on Facebook. As a manager, you may appreciate these tips on how to learn online for free on both Czech and foreign websites from our previous articles:

2. Improve something you did not have time to improve during the year

You have surely said to yourself many times that when you have time, you will think deeply about a certain issue and look for a more effective solution. Now you have the perfect opportunity. You can focus on improving dysfunctional processes, solving customer needs, designing new products, and better organizing your work.

3. Go to see your customers

Try suggesting an "excursion" to your team to see a customer of yours so that they can see how your products are used in practice. That will help them better understand the purpose of their work, which will increase their loyalty and performance.

4. Thank everyone who deserves to be thanked

Try writing a list of people who helped you this year, made your work easier or inspired you in some way and write them a handwritten thank-you note. Of course, you should only be expressing your gratitude without wanting them to do anything for you.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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