Every introvert knows this challenge: How to survive when you have to be in a big group of strangers talking and having a good time? The in-your-face world of networking can sometimes be as tough as a dangerous battlefield, at least for some of us. When you don't enjoy small talk, when you feel exhausted by participation in group activities and you feel alone when you are with people, you could use some of these tips brought to you by the lifehack.org website.
1. Take breaks
Taking breaks is the most important thing you can do to help yourself deal with a large group of people you don’t know. Go to the bathroom, or excuse yourself to get something (chewing gum, cell phone, or anything) from your car. A few breaths of fresh air will help. Give yourself a chance to calm down and prepare for the next dose of small talk by being alone for few moments.
2. Learn the tricks of small talk
Try to remember a few things the people you are going to meet like and dislike. You can also keep a list of potential topics of small talk at hand or in your head. When you have absolutely no idea what to say, listen to what others are talking about and chime into a conversation. When you get involved in a conversation, the event will be over much faster. Use body language to stand confidently because standing tall stimulates testosterone and cortisol and you actually do feel more confident.
3. Be prepared for change
It is probable that some changes will occur. It may be the last thing you want to experience, but the fact is, that it is very probable that more people will come to the event or that the date or place will be changed. Expect change, and be flexible – when you anticipate it, the change will not be so surprising and stressful.
4. Drink some coffee
Susan Cain, the author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking advises you to drink coffee. Coffee will make your self-doubt disappear. You will be excited about new ideas as coffee propels your thinking.