A new book by Jack Welch: The Real-Life MBA


More than a decade after the bestsellers Straight from the Gut and Winning, which were also published in Czech by the Pragma publishing house, Jack Welch and his wife Suzy have a new book coming out, entitled The Real-Life MBA.

"To be honest, we did not want to write another book. Winning was very successful and still is. But we could not ignore the fact that the world had changed since Winning. It's much faster, more digital, more global - in a word, business has become harder," the authors explain in an interview for the Management Today website. The book is aimed at anybody who wants to master the challenges of business today and in the future, create successful strategies, lead others and achieve a successful career.

Schools don't teach how to work with people

Jack Welch was a long-time CEO of General Electric (1981-2001). He received numerous awards, including Manager of the Century from Fortune Magazine in 1999. After retiring from General Electric, he started publishing books and sharing his experiences in the media and at universities. He also concentrated on the development of leaders in the world's leading companies. In 2010, he founded his own business school, the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University in Virginia which offers MBA courses online.

He decided to share with readers of his new book what no school, theory or concept, but only real life in business can teach. He writes, for example, about what to do if your strategies are already outdated when they are launched, how to cope when you are exhausted by work, your boss is driving you crazy, your career is stagnating or your team is not performing as you would wish. "Good people are the whole thing. Hiring them, motivating them, letting them know where they stand, giving their work meaning and purpose," says Jack Welch.


WELCH, Jack, BYRNE, John A.: Jack: Straight from the Gut. New York: Warner Business Books, 2003.

WELCH, Jack – WELCH, Suzy: Winning. New York: HarperBusiness, 2005.

WELCH, Jack – WELCH, Suzy: The Real-Life MBA: Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career. New York: HarperBusiness, 2015.


Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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