9 nails in the coffin of your career


Most people do not destroy their careers by one major misstep but by small, gradual steps which seem unimportant. However, these steps are very serious and able to damage anyone who is working hard and in good faith so as to achieve a better career.

The good news is that if you are aware of these missteps, you will save your career. An expert on emotional intelligence, Travis Bradberry, writes about this in an interesting article on Entrepreneur.com. He recommends avoiding the following career mistakes.

1. Empty promises

Many people can't properly assess what they can handle. Then they promise things they can't do in terms of time, quality or at all. Therefore you should learn how better to assess your real possibilities and openly communicate about them with other people.

2. Lack of interest in further development

Are you really so satisfied with yourself? Try to think of the last time you learned something new, got to know someone new or changed something in your routines. If you want to achieve a better career, you must constantly work on yourself.

3. Refusing change

How often do you refuse to change something just because it has always been done in a certain way? Today's world is constantly changing and you must change too. You don't have to love changes but you should perceive change as a fact and adapt accordingly.

4. Huge ego

Success is a wonderful thing - but only until it goes to your head. If you think only further successes await you, then you are wrong and your subsequent fall will be even harder.

5. Inability to perceive the wider context

Successful people have set long-term goals and do not forget about them in the flood of their daily tasks. They keep remembering the broader sense to all their efforts.

6. Negative approach

Everyone has the right occasionally to feel bad. But those who constantly spread negativity and complain about everyone and everything only make life harder for everybody, including themselves. Others soon begin to avoid them, which is no good for any career.

7. Lack of emotional Intelligence

Can you manage your emotions? Outbursts of anger, humiliating others, screaming and dwelling on mistakes can easily harm you. You can read what exactly it means to be emotionally intelligent here.

8. Fawning over your boss

Massaging the boss's ego will not help either. You will quickly lose the confidence of your colleagues without securing the respect of your superiors. You should not want anything you don't deserve.

9. Politicking

Beware of manipulating others. Do not induce unnecessary conflicts, do not favour anyone, do not humiliate anyone and do not spread gossip. Behave in a way that will allow you to speak about your behaviour in public without feeling any shame.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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