Žebříček nejčtenějších článků na Hard Skills

Seven traits that make a true leader

388 přečtení

What distinguishes a genuine, successful leader from mediocre ones? It is not only experience, but…

How to build a new habit in five steps

386 přečtení

Do you have good ideas and noble plans to change your habits and improve your life, but are unable…


The most common mistakes when promoting subordinates

371 přečtení

Motivating subordinates and giving them some vision for the future: these are among the reasons why…

Four habits to make you a more successful manager

369 přečtení

How to become a successful manager? Shortcuts and short-term solutions do not work; becoming…

Five ideas for ending a public speech or presentation effectively

360 přečtení

Most people (unfortunately) take away very few thoughts or memories from a public presentation, and…

A dream team that overcomes all obstacles: advice on creating it

358 přečtení

Today's fast-paced times demand a high level of adaptability, flexibility and resilience from both…

The Boeing controversy: five bad examples of how (not) to manage companies and teams

351 přečtení

The American company Boeing is going through a bad patch. For several years now the company has been…

About to give a presentation or public speech? Five tips on not being nervous

350 přečtení

Few people feel comfortable speaking in public. Even the best speakers struggle with a certain…

How to give feedback, including negative, to subordinates

342 přečtení

Every manager probably wishes they could only praise their subordinates. However, the reality is…

Three habits Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates share

341 přečtení

What separates successful people from the unsuccessful? What makes a true leader who inspires those…

Five tips on being a manager the best and most promising employees want to work for

340 přečtení

Bad managers only attract bad subordinates. That is because talented and promising workers cannot…

Preparing for a management job interview? Questions to ask to make a good impression

336 přečtení

Your task at a first interview is to sell yourself. More specifically, your main aim is for the…

Listing 73 to 84 out of 92