The secret of Facebook success: Faces!

Facebook is extremely successful because it creates a big emotional response. Why is that? That is what was examined in a study conducted by NeuroFocus, California, which was commissioned by Facebook.

The study tested how human brain reacts to websites of Facebook, Yahoo and The New York Times. Facebook gained the most attention, the highest emotional involvement, and people even remembered information from it.

According to the CEO of NeuroFocus, A. K. Pradeep, it is because of faces that Facebook scored so well. Since childhood we all learn to recognize emotions in faces of people around us. That is why face has become the gateway to our emotions.

It is also thanks to the faces that Facebook is so popular. When there are faces appearing in articles of The New York Times or Yahoo, the emotional response measured by EEG slightly evens with that on Facebook.

The company commissioned the study of emotional connection with its users to use it with advertisers. NeuroFocus have previously compared the Visa ads on Facebook with television advertising. Here, too, Facebook gained higher scores in emotional engagement of users.


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