Find the gold mine: Focus on moms!

Success with moms means successful sales: women make up 85% of buying decisions in households, and most of them are mothers. They buy not just for themselves but also for their baby, toddler, schoolkids or the entire sports team. And it's not just food and clothes - mothers buys the most of households electronics and many of them do it directly from their smartphone. So if a brand gets the trust of mothers, it does not only gain access to a gold mine, but also to her friends - also mothers. So how do you reach them? Consider the recommendations

1. First find out what works best

People chat about some commercials and just love them. Find out what gets the attention of mothers. Often it´s a campaign where the theme is a family, but it also includes humor and portrays mother as a woman who manages everything. Feel free to make them laugh - they like to be entertained.

2. Touch the Heart

Campains touching mothers´heart generally work well. For example, the commercial may show how fast the baby grows up, what were his first steps like, etc. These are all ads that affects parental emotions.

3. Message be communicated quickly 

Mothers have are busy so stay brief. They will appreciate your ability to communicate quickly, clearly and effectively.

4. Avoid stereotypes

Some types of mothers fit into an exact target group, but you are safer not to approach them like that. Many commercials shows mother as a "desperate housewive," or frazzled, frenetic mess, or as super women. Real moms are somewhere in between everything and most importantly - each of them is a little bit different!

5. Make it real 

Mother appreciates honesty and seriousness of communication. Treat them as intelligent and rational beings - they will certainly appreciate it. That is because they come accross too much nonsense every day.

In addition, portrait the whole couple with respect - both parents consult many issues, including the job of the father, household and the children.

6. Plays on Facebook

Social media connect moms and can be very effective communication tools. Most people spend lots of time on Facebook. Mothers also share their consumer experiences here.

7. Moms love to talk so join them

Whatever a brand says, it is biased. If you hear the same thing from another mother, it is considered true. What does this mean? Get as many mothers on your side as you can. They will then help you convince the rest to switch to your brand. The best option is persuading mommy-bloggers, who have a huge marketing power. Establishing a relationship with them is not easy, it is a long term relationship building process. It should definitely be a mutually beneficial relationship.


Article source Mashable - a digital media website
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