12 rules of successful closing


Selling is like a game, and as such has its own rules. Grant Cardone, a successful salesman and the author of popular books about selling, summarizes 12 rules to a successful sales close.

  1. Keep sitting during negotiations. Even if your counterpart stands up, stay in place. A change of position means that something is happening. Your partner may then terminate the meeting. 
  2. Present your proposals in writing. More people will believe what they see than what they hear. Have a contract always with you. Anything extra you offer, write it down on paper and show the buyer to clearly demonstrate what he gets if he signs. 
  3. Speak clearly. You may try to record your speech to make sure the impression is what you intend it to be.  
  4. Maintain eye contact. Another thing you can practice. If you want your partner to believe you, eye contact is essential. 
  5. Don´t forget your pen. Consider also a spare one if the ink in your first pen runs out. A missing pen can turn into missing a sale. 
  6. Everything is easier when humour is present. Everyone will feel more relaxed during the meeting if you do not hesitate to use humour. 
  7. Ask again. Think of a way to resume negotiations when you hear a "no." Just because you try to hear the answer "yes," it does not mean you were not listening. All you are trying to do is to sell from a different perspective. 
  8. Do not leave the buyer. Whenever you leave to check something, your prospect starts to feel insecure or even in doubt. 
  9. Treat prospect the same like real clients.
  10. Stay confident. Your mindset that you are going to close will help eliminate objections. In addition, moods are contagious, so your chances of closing the sale will increase. 
  11. Be positive. Maintatin a "can-do" attitude. 
  12. Smile. If you are not really a smiley person, practice smiling at the people around you. Smile on your face influences all your body language and even your whole mindset. Have you ever noticed that successful people are smiling? They do not smile because they are successful. They are successful because they smile. 


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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