7 ways to drop a deal


There are many excuses as to why sales failed. In addition, there are many true reasons, but those can be controlled by the sales people.

  1. Success is dependent on the product or service. Hardly any company has such a unique product that clearly surpasses the competition. A successful sales person differentiates their products so that it brings real value to the customer. They don’t rely on the product itself that it is better than the competition.

  2. Sales people are afraid to break their comfort zone. The automatically assume their strong position, are persistent and persuasive. Others, on the other hand, are afraid to contact the executive level of the buying side, especially when they are aware that competition is strong. In the real world, however, sales people need courage to find out what really needs to be done so that the sale closes.

  3. Not knowing the competition. Without understanding the industry, no deal can be closed.

  4. Too much or too little dependence on relationships. Relationships are important to sign the contract, but at present it is usually not enough. The ideal situation is to build an equal relationship with the customer, but not to connect it too much to an individual sale.

  5. The absence of the plan to win. While some sales men talk about a plan, few people actually really plan their actions.

  6. Sales people do not understand the customer’s business. The are not prepared, therefore, not able to solve client's problems.

  7. Salesmen did not have all the capabilities and features, which were required for closing the sale. Today's sales staff must know more than their fellow colleagues a few years ago. The ability to gather and research information is especially important. To close a deal, you need knowledge, planning, and a precise execution of the plan.


Article source BusinessBrief.com - a U.S. website focused on business
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