12 tips how to retain customers

It has been said many times that it is easier to sell to existing customers than look for new ones. But how can a company retain existing customers?  Inc.com came up with 12 tips:

  1. Create personal relationships, and only then start selling. 
  2. Do not criticize the competition, it will make you look weak. 
  3. Focus on an individual. Company XYZ will not buy anything from you, but maybe John F. could ... 
  4. Do not give a direct sales pitch. Your offer should naturally arise from your conversation. 
  5. Treat customers as equals. 
  6. Do not make unnecessary loops. If you bypass someone in a company, you will make an enemy for life. And an enemy from within is the worst type of enemy. 
  7. Conversations should be mutual. It should create a connection, and that won't happen if you keep talking yourself. 
  8. Don't push it at all costs. If you feel that your customer is making a mistake, do not be afraid to tell him about it. Even more so if the mistake involves buying your product. 
  9. Play and compete. If you see a great opportunity on the horizon and your client wishes that you play a league, do not be afraid to play his game. 
  10. No negotiation tactics. Forget all books about negotiating - you are building a relationship, ie. both sides have to feel good, this is not a battle. 
  11. Talk about yourself, if appropriate. People want to deal with people. So do not talk only about business, also show your human side. 
  12. Beware of customer apathy. It does not mean that their orders are so automated that they don't need to pay any more attention to you. It rather means that there is an active competitor in the game.




Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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