7 elements of a good PR article


Andrew Hindes, an instructor in the field of PR, briefly summarizes 7 things that are necessary to create a good PR material. 

  1. Planning: Before you begin writing, set up your objectives - what do you want to achieve? What do you need to say? Who is your target audience?
  2. Storytelling: Stories are attractive and catching.
  3. Empathy: Put yourself in the position of the reader of your article, i.e., not in the position of your client.
  4. Context: Help the audience understand the broader significance of the news, for example, the importance for the industry, for the community, etc.
  5. Text flow: Good writing makes good reading. Especially watch transitions between different parts. Read everything aloud and make sure that the text flows smmothly and is easy to read.
  6. Structure: The order of ideas has a great impact on whether the reader gets to key information or message or whether they don't even finish reading because they won't see what they are interested in.
  7. Accuracy: Even if the material is written perfectly, it will have a zero effect if the basic facts are incorrect.

In addition, the author adds that it is good grammar is absolutely essential. Grammar represents you like clothing. And imagine that you come for a job interview wearing a dirty sweat suit ...


Article source PR News - onilne version of a weekly PR News
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