4 mistakes in press release of the 21st century

Press releases are still relevant, therefore, PR professionals still need to be able to write them well. That is why PR News highlights some of the mistakes that tend to occur in modern press releases.

  1. Confusing recipients. Today press releases are usually distributed via email. If you di not have a written conversation with the recipient on the subject, do not use "Re:" in the subject line  - it's manipulative. Once the addressee notices, they will get angry and will hardly publish your news.
  2. Making spam. Several expressions automatically classify your message to a spam filter. Find on the Internet the list of keywords for spam and avoid them. The same risk applies if you use too much punctuation, for example, several exclamation marks.
  3. Trying to be too "social." Twitter and Facebook are useful in PR, but they are not connected with press releases. Make sure that the contact in the press release is an individual human being, possibly add a link to their social profile.
  4. Too many links. Certainly it is correct to embed into the message a link to the company website. But do not overdo it - it could have a negative impact on SEO (web spam). Some portals also publish press releases as plain texts. The result is a text filled with long URLs, which will make the article hard to read.



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